Parish History

The Dialogue started during 1978 between Dharmaram Theology College and the Archdiocese of Bangalore to establish a Syro-Malabar Church in Bangalore. In the beginning, the Archdiocese was not in favour of establishing a Syro-Malabar church in Bangalore. But they were ready to receive service of priests from Dharmaram College for the pastoral needs of the Syro-Malabar Catholics in the Archdiocese of Bangalore.While agreeing to send priests to various churches in Bangalore for attending pastoral needs of Malayalee Catholics, the dialogue continued for establishing Syro-Malabar parishes and copy of the letters were send to the Apostolic Nuncio, the C.B.C.I., and Cardinal Joseph Parekattil, the Archbishop of Ernakulam. Nearly after five years of continued dialogue with the Archdiocese of Bangalore and the CBCI, a favourable reply has came to the Rector of Dharmaram College. The Archbishop of Bangalore issued a decree of erection of St. Thomas parish at Dharmaram College Bangalore-29. The official inauguration was done on March 19, 1983 at Dharmaram College Chapel by His grace Dr. P. Arokyasamy, the Archbishop of Bangalore. Fr. Jose Frank CMI was appointed as the first parish priest. It was the first parish of the Syro-Malabar church within the ecclesial territory of the Archdiocese of Bangalore. Initially the Holy Eucharist and other pastoral activities were conducted at Dharmaram College Chapel and the parish office was set at Dharmaram College campus. Fr. Jose Frank got transferred and Fr. Job Myladiyil CMI took charge on 8th July 1984 as the parish priest.

Dharmaram community was kind enough to gift 21/4 acres of land for the parish within the vicinity of Dharmaram College campus. Fr. Job Myladiyil took initiative to build a small chapel and parish office there. A trust was registered in the year 1987 under the name St. Thomas Parish Trust. Later a Multi-purpose auditorium was constructed there, with the help of the amount collected through contributions from benefactors and bank loans. Fr. Job and team managed to complete the work in 1990 and it was blessed by His grace Dr. Alphonsus Mathias, the then Archbishop of Bangalore. The Holy Mass and other religious functions were held in the auditorium on Sundays. It was given for rent on other days. Fr. Job was transferred after his dedicated service of two decades to the church and community in 1993.

Fr. Anto Thekkudan CMI succeeded Fr. Job Myladiyil. He took initiative to start the construction of a church in 1995 and it was completed in 1998 with the whole hearted support of Dharmaram community along with trustees, parishcouncil, patrons and benefactors. The monumental Church was blessed in a colourful ceremony on Feb. 15, 1998 by Mar Varkey Vithayathil, the then Apostolic administrator of the Syro-Malabar Church. Rev. Fr. Alex Ukken CMI the then Prior General of the CMI Congregation and a few CMI Bishops were present on the occasion.In 1999, St. Thomas Parish was raised to the status of a Forane Church. Rev. Fr. George Kallarackal CMI was appointed as Forane Vicar. After his transfer, Rev. Fr. John Marius CMI, Rev. Fr. Mathew Koikara CMI and later Rev. Fr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI took charge as vicars. At present Rev. Fr. Cyriac Madathil CMI is the Vicar and Rev. Fr. Lijo Thekkanath CMI and Rev. Fr. Jithu Thottiyil CMI are the Asst. Vicars.

St. Thomas Forane Church has number of active Laity organizations engaged in various socio-cultural and charitable works under the able guidance of Forane Vicar Rev. Fr. Cyriac madathil CMI. It is to be specially mentioned that a trust has been created by the Forane Church for this cause. ‘St. Chavara Krupalaya,’ a house to cater to the needs of the under privileged, aged, mentally challenged and physically handicapped people in the society was started in 2005, by the Parish Trust, and it is now a registered trust.  We gretefully acclaim the service of  FDSHJ Sisters who manage the institution at present. There are 13 inmates presently and it has the capacity to accommodate up to 25 inmates.

Presently we have more than 1300 registered families in the parish and parishners of 10000. All the more, a vast number of employed floating youth  and students are also the beneficiaries of the services in our parish. We have got 15 pious / religious / charitable associations, organized and facilitated by the able guidance of the parish administration. To name a few, St. Vincent De Paul Society, Youth Associations (St. Thomas Youth & Santhome Professional Forum), Cherupushpa Mission League, Pithruvedhi, Mathruvedhi, Legion of Mary, St. Chavara Association, St. Christopher Association etc. render commendable services in their own respectable fields. We offer our services to more than 14 houses of the religious congregations for women in our parish boundary, which are originated and following Syro-Malabar tradition in religious formation, life and mission. The year 2007-2008 was the Silver Jubilee year of the St. Thomas Forane Church. During 3 1/2 decades of the history of St. Thomas Forane Church, it has achieved a remarkable progress beyond our expectations.