
Brief History

The ‘Pithruvedi’ is a new initiative of the Syro Malabar church in Bangalore at the diocesan level. Even before the constitution of the Mandya Diocese, the idea of ‘Pithruvedi’ was conceived by the Syro- Malabar Mission in August 2014 and consequently, Fr. Roy Vattakunnel was elected Director, with Mr. Joseph Aykkara and Mr. KJ Johnson as Associate directors. Consequently, a central committee was formed on 15th February 2015 at St. Thomas Auditorium, Dharmaram, with Mr. Antony Joseph, Mr. Benny Joseph , Mr Sajan Joseph, Mr. Francis Kavalakatty and Mr. Johnny Thattil as Central Committee members.

Objectives and activities of the Pithruvedi:

  1. All units must conduct monthly meetings and evaluate activities executed.
  2. Celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of Pithruvedi on March 19th.
  3. Members of each unit must conduct at least one  prayer meeting a month.
  4. Give leadership for funeral rites of the deceased in the  parish.
  5. Visit the sick in the parish and provide assistance to the deserving.
  6. Organize seminars and workshops for parents and couples.


  • Honored with mementos those who had celebrated their 25th, 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries , and those who had completed 75 and 80 years of age during the annual valedictory function.
  • In collaboration with the Year of Mercy, in keeping with the exhortation of Pope Francis, a dialysis unit was blessed and inaugurated at St. Philomena’s hospital in May 2016 by Bishop Mar Antony Kariyil. Procedures to acquire a second unit in another Christian hospital are underway.

How to join?

All married male members of the parish are welcome to join this organization. Those who are interested can contact the unit president or secretary for further details.